All Scripts available upon request
In this Super Hero Parady cartoon, we follow the antics of a school for Abnormals (AKA people born with unusual abilities). Our protagonist, Maddy Anders, is a young teen cursed with the ability to grow trees out of her fingers, has become ostracized by society. It becomes her mission to make the world and society as a whole not only accept Abnormals, but appreciate them. Her plan to make this happen is to start a superhero crime-fighting team. 
Perry and Mark
Perry is a talking dog (played by a puppet) who moves to New York to pursue his unlimited dream, becoming a Broadway composer. Perry moves in with his human cousin and failed playwright Mark. Perry doesn’t realize Mark is seriously considering killing his asshole boss, who happens to be dating the roommate Mark’s infatuated with. As Perry enters his life, Mark takes his anger and learns to channel in his playwriting roots. Together the two of them chase a dream, to write a musical that makes it all the way to Broadway. 
Journey to the Center of the Rick (Rick and Morty Spec Script)
Rick and Morty travel to the center of the Earth to steal a rare diamond, while there Morty saves the life of a beautiful young mole woman. The two start dating and spend all their time together. Rick claims he doesn’t care, but takes increasingly insecure steps to replace Morty’s companionship, including stealing a different Morty from a parallel universe. In typical fashion, Morty takes his blissful relationship and twists it into mortal danger, and he must reunite with Rick and save himself. 
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